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Razorbacks to Participate in GameDay Recycling Challenge


Ranking 10th in the nation for total pounds recycled in the GameDay Recycling Challenge last year, the U of A hopes to be the first school in the SEC to achieve zero waste on game days this football season.

“In 2015, 99 schools rallied fans to recycle an impressive 2.1 million pounds of bottles, cans, paper, cardboard and more,” according to the Game Day Challenge website.

The University of Arkansas successfully achieved waste diversion between 70 percent and 90 percent through recycling and composting in 2013 and 2014.

To help the university achieve their goal, here are things Razorback fans can do:

  • Make sure all of the things you throw away make it to the correct recycling bin
  • Post on social media about how your efforts help make the U of A #uncommon.
  • Spread the word about the GameDay Challenge and encourage them to recycle, too.
  • Post on social media with your best pictures: #RecycleBacks #gamedaychallenge

Fans who would like to help and can not make it to the stadium, can visit the GivePulse page and register to volunteer with Office for Sustainability interns.

The first football game of the season is this Saturday, Sept. 3, against Lousisiana Tech.


-Courtesy of Arkansas Newswire