Arkansas Union to Close for Electrical Upgrades From Dec. 19 to Jan. 11

While University of Arkansas students are on a break between semesters the Arkansas Union will be closed for an extended period of time for essential electrical panel upgrades.

“We typically close the Union for several days during the semester break around the Christmas and New Years holidays,” said Rob Stagni, director of the Arkansas Union. “This year we are closing the building for extra time to tackle a project that’s critical to the building’s operations.”

The Arkansas Union will be closed at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 19, and will not reopen to the public until 7 a.m. Jan. 11.

“We are replacing the main electrical switchgear that helps provide power to the entire building,” Stagni said. “We are also replacing old electrical panels from the original construction of the Union. This work should allow the building to provide full power needs for at least the next 40 years.”

“This timeframe should allow the contractors enough time to complete both phases of the plan,” said Lynne Williams-Bell, executive director of business services for Student Affairs. “This will allow for a one-time-only shutdown, and will prevent us from having to schedule future building shutdowns and closures for this issue.”

Even though students are not in classes the university is still normally open for many of these days – Dec. 19-23 and Jan. 3-10. Several departments will be temporarily relocated while some offices will have staff working from home or other remote locations.

“Because this will be, in effect, a construction site, at no point will anyone except construction workers be allowed in the Union during the shutdown,” Stagni said. “Therefore it’s critical that departments have all important or needed items relocated outside the Union by 6 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 19.”

“We’re also going to change our website front page to help people get in contact with each displaced office, whether they are relocating or working remotely,” Stagni said.

All offices will be available by phone and email while the Union is closed.  The following offices will be temporarily relocated:

  • Chartwells business offices will relocate to Brough Dining Hall.
  • The Center for Educational Access will move to the Stadium Parking Garage Testing Center, Room 305.
  • Campus mail operations will move to the former retail location in the Harmon Avenue Garage.
  • The Treasurer’s Office will be located at the back entrance of the Faulkner Performing Arts Center.

In addition, the Union and Facilities Managament are taking precautions to address issues that may arise during this time, such as :

  • signs at all entrances and around the exterior and parking garage
  • building security
  • emergency access
  • lighting in the Union and for the outside Mall area
  • temperature control in the building
  • gas, steam, and backup generator shut-offs
  • restoring generators once power is back on

Departments housed in the Union should have access back into the building on Sunday, Jan. 10. During the day Monday, Jan. 11, food refrigeration will be returned to safe holding temperatures. Truck deliveries will resume in the afternoon to re-stock kitchens. Chartwells food operations in the building will re-open for service on Tuesday, Jan. 12. Classes for the spring semester start on Tuesday Jan. 19.

“I want to thank everyone for their patience,’ Stagni said. “It’s quite a massive undertaking.”


-Courtesy of Arkansas Newswire