
U of A Grads to Business Owners

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Graduation is approaching for seniors and many are applying for jobs and setting up interviews.

Jack and Gabe, two graduates of the U of A, and COO’s of MyPhones Unlimited started their small business out of their frat house her at the university and are showing how an venture idea can turn into a reality.

“I don’t think you have to be a business major to start and run a business. We kinda learn it as we go,” said Jack Gresham, COO of MyPhones Unlimited.

Jack said having someone to encourage you in the beginning stages of starting a business is key.

“I would say get somebody else who is passionate about the idea and do it with them,” Gresham said. “I probably wouldn’t, if I ever start another business I will never do it without a partner.”

Just how Jack and Gabe started MyPhones Unlimited, Brett Amerine, COO of Startup Junkie says get on your idea of starting your own business right away.

“Start soon. Don’t wait,” said Amerine. “Start soon I mean tomorrow isn’t promised.”

Gresham said that he has enjoyed growing the business and he finds that it does have it’s ups and downs, but the experience is amazing.

“It’s fun to build something from the ground up,” Gresham said. “I mean I’ve got to learn more about every facet of a business.”

Startup Junkie, a consulting firm here in Fayetteville, helps and guides venture ideas and small businesses here in the area in hopes to help more students from U of A start their own businesses.

“Pretty close relationship we have with the U of A and we’re lookin’ to grow that relationship,” said Amerine.


-Andrew Brummett