Ben Carson Says “No,” to SNL

It is a trend Americans have been seeing since President Obama ran his campaign for the White House in 2008…politicians becoming more and more involved in main stream media. Not only does the President have a White House website, but he also has a Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and a Snapchat. Not only does the President conduct interviews with NBC and CNN but also makes appearances on Jimmy Fallon and Kelly and Michael. It is a new attempt by politicians to break the divide between politics and the every day life of Americans. But one presidential hopeful is breaking the mold.

This week republican candidate, Ben Carson refused to host the comedy show, Saturday Night Live. In a statement to Bloomberg Politics, Carson said, “I think the presidency of the United States is a very serious thing. I don’t even want to begin to put it in the lightness of comedy.”

Carson’s competitor Donald Trump is scheduled to host SNL in the next month and Hillary Clinton has already preformed in the show as bartender “Val.”