
Arkansas Leads Nation in Obesity

This month Arkansas was named the leader in the nation for adult obesity. The report from Trust for America’s Health 36 percent of the state’s adult population is obese.

Dr. Sabrina Trudo is a professor in the College of Human Environmental Sciences. She believes society plays a factor in the rising numbers.

“We value speed and convenience over quality and recognizing that our bodies are a true gift, “ Trudo said.

The startling statistic actually makes Trudo’s research easier.

“It’s easier to figure things out when something is in a drastic change. It makes it easier to put your finger to the cause,” she explained.

The University of Arkansas provides multiple resources for student health. All students have access to a gym membership with their student ID at the University Recreation facilities in the HPER and the Union. They also provide exercise classes and personal training services.

Beyond exercise there is an onsite nutritionist here on campus that students can reach out to when trying to make healthy decisions.

Pat Walker provides a variety of services, from check-ups to counseling all students have access to the health center. It is always recommended to consult a doctor before making any drastic exercise change.