Springdale Police Honor the Fallen with Touching Message

Today the Springdale Police Department honored all the fallen heroes with a sentimental message read over the police radio at the exact same time the first plane hit The World Trade Center in 2001. The message read as follows:

On September 11, 2001, 2,973 people perished, including 343 firefighters, 23 police officers, and 37 Port Authority officers after hijacked planes crashed in New York City, Arlington, Virginia and Pennsylvania. The victims were mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers, sons and daughters, of many faiths and races who came from more than 80 nations. All who perished were living the American dream.

Even after 13 years, the memory of the sacrifices our first responders made on Sept 11th remains fresh in our minds. Everyday these brave men and women put their lives on the line to protect our neighborhoods and our loved ones. May the memory of those who were lost never be forgotten.

In remembrance, we will now take a moment of silence……

Station Clear”