The Allen Brothers: From Purple Dogs to Razorbacks

by UATVSports’ Tyler Woessner – photo courtesy of

This spring, junior Brandon Allen is looking to get a stronghold on the starting quarterback job.  One of his competitors is his younger brother Austin, a redshirt freshman.  You can call it somewhat of a sibling rivalry between the two homegrown quarterbacks from Fayetteville High School.

Growing up in Fayetteville, sons of an Arkansas coach still on the staff, the Allen brothers were destined to be Razorbacks.  With Brandon being two years older than Austin, the only other time they’ve gone through a quarterback competition was in 2010.  That year, Brandon was a senior and Austin was a sophomore at Fayetteville High School.  Now they get to do it again, this time in college. Brandon says it’s a healthy competition that he’s used to.

“It’s been like it’s been our whole lives,” Brandon said.  “Growing up, we’ve been competing with each other since we were kids.  So it’s really no different [this year].  He’s out there for the job, I’m out there for the job.  The only thing I’ve got on him is that I’ve got some experience that I can instill in him to make him a better quarterback, and obviously make myself better in the process.”

Even at the house, the two would go against each other in pretty much anything.  Austin says they’ve each enjoyed their time together on the field.

“Ever since we’ve been growing up we’ve been playing against each other…video games, backyard basketball, anything like that,” Austin said.  “It’s always been competitions and we’re alright with it.”

The age advantage that Brandon has on Austin gives him the edge when it comes to this year’s starting quarterback job for the Razorbacks.  Austin says it was tough being the little brother, but over time, he was able to give Brandon more of a run for his money.

“In backyard basketball, he’d always be bigger than me, just him being two years older and all of that,” Austin said.  “Growing up it was bad, then once I got older it kind of got a little more competitive.”

For Fayetteville natives like myself, it’s been neat watching the Allen brothers go from Bulldogs to Razorbacks. Don’t be surprised if Austin makes some noise either this spring or fall.  Like in backyard basketball, it won’t be too long before Austin catches up to Brandon.