Freezing Rain Closes UofA

fay ice

Freezing rain and sleet prompted the University of Arkansas to cancel classes and close campus for the entire day.  Last night, officials delayed the start of class until 12:30, but around 10 this morning students and faculty got the call that the university was closed all day due to deteriorating road conditions.  This photo, taken on Rupple Road shows ice covering the streets and sidewalk.  More freezing rain and sleet is expected tonight with a break tomorrow.  Another possible winter storm could be hitting Fayetteville this weekend.  Keep updated on the weather by following us on Twitter, @UATV or @UATVTevin.  Tweet or email,, us your pictures so we can air them on our newscasts. And remember, if you don’t have to be out, don’t.  The street conditions are deteriorating fast.