Former Fayetteville Officer Arrested for Rape

Jamison Stiles

The Fayetteville Police Department put former officer Jamison Stiles on administrative leave December 4th and fired him less than two weeks later after a woman reported he sexually assaulted her. The report released today tells us while he was on duty in October, Stiles picked up a woman who had passed out in a bar and took her to her apartment. It states that while Stiles was at her apartment for the first time, he intentionally turned off the camera in his patrol car for 26 minutes and went radio silent. According to the report Stiles made a total of four trips to the woman’s apartment complex that night but didn’t record any of them in his daily log. He reportedly kissed the woman and touched her inappropriately. After filing a complaint a couple of weeks later, the woman picked Stiles out of a lineup. A Fayetteville P-D investigation determined that Stiles had violated several department policies and procedures regarding his conduct and integrity. He also reportedly violated several laws. According to the report, he also admitted lying to investigators. Since Stiles was fired and arrested, another woman has come forward saying Stiles sexually assaulted her last July, and records show he had also been warned several times about turning off his recording device while interacting with women on the job. He now faces several criminal charges, including rape and second-degree sexual assault.