Study Abroad Safety

Every year students from the University of Arkansas travel all around the globe and it’s not uncommon for students to take several trips throughout their time at the U of A.  While these trips are fun it is important for students to remember their personal safety.  Dede Long Director of the Study Abroad Office says safety does come first for their programs, but we care most about a student’s ability to take care of themselves.

Although students are still a part of the school there’s only so much they can do when you are half way across the world. “The best we can do is give them the information they need to take care of themselves and make their own choices.  Once they’re there they’re independent adults” says Long.

But talking with students who have studied abroad, they were surprised to find that they felt safer away from home.  Long says the most important thing the university can do is prepare and equip their students for their travels.