Little Free Library

Gulley Park is home to the newest Little Free Library, one of six installments across Fayetteville.

Little Free Library is a unique book exchange that runs on the honor system. Simply pick out a book, take it home, and return it whenever you want. You can even add your own book to the library.

While most have been installed on private properties, this library is the first to be installed on public property.

Steward Jo Ann Wardein says she and her daughter pushed for the library to be in a public place.

“Gulley caters to a lot of different people. We have a wonderful playground for babies and toddlers and young children. I think teenagers come here, I think all ages come here. So I really wanted it to be on public land.

The library hopes to locally aid in the growing literacy movement. Haas Hall Academy track student Rachel Maddock says she believes this library will do just that.

“I think it will get more people involved in reading. Maybe if you just run by and see it, it’ll get more people interested in the Fayetteville Library too.”

Fellow student Eli Barton says he thinks the idea will be make reading more accessible.

“I thought it was really interesting it’s a cool concept. You take a book and put one back in. It’s a good way to make it convenient to get a book.”