Fayetteville Public Library Expansion

The Fayetteville Public Library recently bought the old city hospital.  This land will nearly double the size of the current library by adding 80,000 square feet.  In 2005, the library was voted as America’s Favorite Library and they are trying to regain that top spot.  David Johnson, Library Executive Director, says there’s something special about residents of Fayetteville and their library.  Not every library in the country has the ability to expand.  Johnson said this is due to the growing popularity of the library.  Nearly 88% of Fayetteville residents own a library card. Although the building is a couple hundred feet away, the architect is working on a skywalk to connect the old to the new.  Johnson said they still trying to determine what will exactly be in the new building, but he said he is trying to get an IMAX theater, test kitchen, and interactive rooms for students to do their homework.