Wedington Corridor Approved

Author/Photographer: Ben Schmuck

After six months of planning that started with a week long set of meetings between officials and 88 Fayetteville citizens the city has finally gotten the O.K. to begin the revamp of the Wedington Corridor. The City Council unanimously approved the plan and has the city putting it to action.

Citizens should expect the construction of the area to begin shortly.

“Work on that project will likely break ground before the end of next year,” said Peter Nierengarten, the Fayetteville Director of Sustainability and Strategic Planning.

The draft of the Wedington Corridor can be viewed at the Fayetteville Public Library.
The draft of the Wedington Corridor can be viewed at the Fayetteville Public Library.

The project will improve the area around Wedington east of I-540 and will include adding a tree-lined median to Wedington as well as helping to complete the “North to South Greenway” by adding to the trail and connecting the Owl Creek Elementary School area and the Boys and Girls Club with the Bryce Davis Park area among other things.

“We’ve seen a tremendous amount of positive feed back associated with the plan,” said Nierengarten.

He added that while the original plan had a roundabout being installed on the east side of I-540, that part of the plan has not been approved by the Highway and Transportation Department.

“The last thing any of us want is to build a roundabout and then not have it function because it can’t handle the volume of vehicles that go through there,” he said.