Expired Elevator Service Tags

Elevators are used by students and faculty on campus daily. There are more 130 buildings that belong to the U of A and most have elevators. The majority of them also have expired service tags.

According to the Arkansas Department of Labor, elevators should be checked semi annually, and serviced at least once a year. But is it safe to be riding in an elevator if it hasn’t been serviced yet?

Riding in an elevator with expired service tags can be dangerous, but there is a small possibility of one actually breaking down while riding one since they are supported by several large cables.

Ricky Belk, Director of the Department of Labor, says that the building or institution is responsible for having safety inspections and services completed.

To have safety inspection or service done, the building or institution can request one from the Labor Department, or have one completed by a private company.

To contacted the Department of Labor for questions or concerns you can call 501-682-4538 or visit www.arkansas.gov.Screen shot 2013-04-16 at 11.11.22 PM