Eco Modern Flats

The newest addition to the Fayetteville sky line is more than a flat roof apartment complex. The Eco Modern Flats, located on the corner of Putnam and S Hill Avenue, bring more to the city than just extra living space for students and residents. These Modern Flats are a new and innovative apartment complex. From the solar panels on the roof to the bright colored doors facing the salt water pool, these apartments live up to their eco-friendly name.
After the buildings were first built in 1972, they quickly turned into a run-down living area. The buildings were bought out and renovated last summer, and after the new owner transformed Eco building #1, he continued his plans for an eco-friendly atmosphere and renovated the three surrounding buildings. During his process of bringing these apartments back to life, the plans included all eco-friendly materials to re-build the structures and re-paint both the exterior and interior. To save money and help the environment, solar panels were installed to heat the salt water pool and each of the one bedroom apartments. The full service lobby has a full list of services and amenities that the apartments has to offer.
If you’re looking for a new place to live, Eco may seem like the perfect place… Until you see the wait list. The modern touch combined with the environmentally friendly building clearly has both students and residents alike hurrying to fill the empty rooms. For a third floor unit with a private roof-top balcony, some may be waiting for up to a year.
At this point in time, Eco Modern Flats are the only Lead Platinum building in Fayetteville, but they are planning on building similar complexes soon.