Petrino Will Not Appeal Decision

Fayetteville, Ark. — University Athletic Director Jeff Long has received an email from ex-coach Bobby Petrino’s lawyers confirming they will not be appealing his firing. In the email sent Thursday night, Russ Campbell and Patrick Strong said, “Consistent with Coach Petrino’s previous statement, he accepts responsibility for the events that led to the University’s decision to terminate his employment. Although extremely disappointed, he respects the University’s decision and will not avail himself of the University’s administrative appeal process.”
The future of Petrino’s career at Arkansas became uncertain after details of his April 1 motorcycle accident became public. Petrino was fired Tuesday for failing to disclose information pertaining to the accident, specifically that he had a relationship with his passenger Jessica Dorrell. Petrino hired the 25-year old former Arkansas volleyball player in March without disclosing his relationship with her or that he had once paid her $20,000.

Written by: Jade Saylors