Off the Mat UFC 135 Staff Predictions

It’s that that time again though we have been on a hiatus we’re back for UFC 135! Today’s analysts will be Jon Urcuyo Jeremy Hurtt, Brett Rorie and myself Bernard Oliver.

Jon Urcuyo – The Feared Beard
The Canadian Nick Ring is a fast, talented young fighter.  Good striker, great motor and is very dangerous on the ground six of his twelve victories have come via submission.  Ring is looking to prove himself as a top fighter after a controversial win vs. Riki Fukuda.  He faces Tim Boetsch a tough seasoned opponent 13-4 but losses were to Phil Davis, Jason Britz, Matt Hamill, and Vladimir Matsyushenko definitely a proven fight but Nick Ring is on fire and something to prove.

Winner: Nick Ring

My boy Tony Ferguson fresh off his Ultimate Fighter Chanmpionship is facing a very scary opponent in Aaron Riley.  Riley is a good submission fighter and has a very well rounded approach as well as some tough fights under his belt he will be a test for the young Ferguson. That having been said Tony will keep this fight on the feet and I think those quick hands will be too much for Riley.

Winner: Tony Ferguson

Big Ben Rothwell is a very seasoned fight, big, strong, and tough he presents a big wall in Mark Hunt’s way to success.  Hunt is a fantastic kick boxer and has fought some of the best heavyweights in the game.  His reeord is misleading at 6-7 but four of those losses were to Josh Barnett, Fedor, Alistair Overeem, and Mousasi.  This fight could go either way but I think Hunt might have the stiking advantage.

Winner: Mark Hunt

Nate Diaz is a fierce fighter that has very good striking and a scary ground attack, a Brown belt in Cesar Gracie jui-jitsu and a fire that intimidates.  Takanori Gomi has been around the block, a tough fighter that is one of a hand full of fighters that can say they have never been knocked out.  Gomi has fought Nick Diaz before, losing by submitting to a gogoplata.  I believe this match up will have a similar outcome with Nate Diaz winning the ground game and going for a submission.

Winner: Nate Diaz

Travis Browne is an exciting Heavyweight that is going to be a big name very soon.  With two KO’s in under 10 seconds and what is described as the best superman punch ever attempted. Travis Browne is a force to be wreckoned with and although the formatable Rob Broughton is a quality opponent I don’t think Browne will have any trouble in this one.

Winner: Travis Browne

Matt Hughes is a UFC legend, great wrestler, and a two time Welterweight Champion.  That being said he is fighting a cockier younger version of himself.  Josh Koscheck is a great striker, great wrestler, and fantastic trash talker.  These two athletes have very similar styles but in this match I think age will be a factor.  Hughes chin isn’t what it used to be and I think Koscheck will take advantage of that.

Winner: Josh Koscheck

The one we’ve all been waiting for Jones vs. Rampage.  Jon “Bones” Jones is one of the most athletic fighters in UFC history but he is facing a legend.  A legend who has pulled out all the stops and has prepared himself more than ever.  Rampage has the distinct ability to punch your lights out at any time, but connecting on the elusive Jones will be quite the task.  Jones has an 84” reach longest in MMA history and I think its going to be extremely hard for Rampage to get inside.  This should be a great fight and could end up any number of ways but I have to give the advantage to the younger Jones, the 24 year old kid is a freak in the ring.

Winner: Jon “Bones” Jones


Jeremy Hurtt – The Guru
Ring v. Boetsch

Ring is probably the more technically sound fighter. Boetsch is bigger, more experienced in the Octagon, and more dynamic and unorthodox.

Winner: Boetsch

Ferguson v. Riley

Ferguson has good power and a mean streak, Riley has more experience and skill. My pick would probably be different a year or two from now.

Winner: Riley

Diaz v. Gomi

One of those rare fights that would have had name power a few years ago, and still does. Someone will take a step in the class, someone will be in need of a reset. I like the length and ground game of Diaz, and feel he simply brings more ways to win to this fight than does Gomi.

Winner: Diaz

Browne v. Broughton

Browne brings brawl; Broughton braces, breathes…breaks.

Winner: Browne

Rothwell v. Hunt

It’s not easy for me to pick against Hunt, but Rothwell is probably a little more rounded (no pun). If he can avoid the power and turn the kickboxing bout into an MMA bout, I think Rothwell can grind Hunt out.

Winner: Rothwell

Hughes v. Koscheck

You could make a real good case that these are my two least favorite fighters in the game. Accordingly, I feel as I can say without bias, Koscheck is better in every phase, and will control Hughes in this fight.

Winner: Koscheck

Jones v. Jackson

I love Rampage. I love this fight. I’m living a contradiction, because this fight is terrible for him. Jones is bigger, stronger, longer, younger and, yes, “more dynamic”. Rampage needs to put power to power, and he’ll have trouble doing that against a guy with the wingspan of a hospital.

Winner: Jones


Bernard Oliver – The General

Ben Rothwell vs Mark Hunt

This one starts off difficult to call. Two huge guys with HUGE power. Mark Hunt , a legend in the game. Ben Rothwell, an IFL veteran and UFC seasoned fighter. Submission and head kicks are both things big men are not none for and Rothwell can pull both. I have to go with age and pressure  here. Rothwell will most likely push the fight where it needs to go. Mark Hunt in his years of wisdom has declined in speed but he’s still a striking phenomenal force to be dealt with. I’m going with Rothwell but don’t be surprised if Hunt scores a KO.

Winner: Rothwell by TKO

Nate Diaz vs Takanori Gomi

Look for Nate to come out and redeem himself aging the aging Gomi. Gomi’s been in the game a very long time and Nate…well Nate’s just getting his legs under him. He trains with champions he fights like a champion and he’s going to win like a champion. I can see Diaz taking it to Gomi early and forcing a submission out of the pressure. That’s not Nate’s style though.

Winner: Diaz by KO

Matt Hughes vs Josh Koscheck

This one to me is simple. Kos is better at every turn, corner, aspect and any other word you’d like to insert there. Matt Hughes’ chin is not what it used to be.

Winner: Koscheck by dismembering (KO)

The LHW Championship: Jon Jones vs Quinton Rampage Jackson

Champion versus former champion. New versus Old. Cliche for a cliche. All jokes aside although I never wanted this fight to happen it’s here and it’s a great match up. The veteran wrestler and KO artist Rampage Jackson. The human highlight reel Jon Jones. Jones really does have Rampage beat in many areas. Speed, length and youth. He may be the most talented fight to ever grace the octagon to date. We have not “seen” his wrestling out in the open but it’s safe to assume that the champion is well versed in wrestling. It is after all his background before MMA. So what I’m about to say may surprise you. Rampage looks amazing, he’s said to be in the best shape of his life. If he comes out against Jones like a pitbull after a milk bone out of the gate I believe he may surprise the champ. The problem is does Rampage have that in him anymore. The fuel has been poured on this fire every time the two meet. From the whole “Spygate” affair to the loose mouth of Rampage. One can only hope that, that will bring out Rampage’s best, because otherwise Jones will run him through just like Rua. I’m betting on that and I  picked Rampage. Rampage’s chin will hold up…but for how lon? Long enough to pull out the KO! BOOM

Winner: Rampage by KO….can’t believe I said that


Brett Rorie – The Youngblood

Ben Rothwell vs. Mark Hunt

In my opinion this fight is the easiest fight to pick. Hunt is a phenomenal kick boxer that has struggled in
the MMA world with a 6-7 record. All but one of his seven losses has come by way of submission. Hunt
desperately needs to keep this fight standing. Rothwell is coming off two lack luster performances, one
was getting destroyed by Cain Velasquez, and the other was a very slow paced win over Gilbert Yvel. The
key is can Rothwell get the fight to the ground, or can Hunt keep this fight standing.

Prediction: Rothwell win via, submission in the first round.

Nate Diaz vs. Takanori Gomi

Can you say fireworks? If this fight is half as good as Gomi’s fight with Nate’s older brother Nick, expect
this to be a war. Gomi is a powerful striker that has seemed to have lost a step, but can still put on some
extremely exciting fight. In my opinion, this is a must win for Diaz for the reason that afford to lose three
fights in a row in the UFC. I like Nate at 155 more than him at 170 because he is just not strong enough
at welterweight. The key to this fight is that Nate cannot get careless in this fight, if Diaz does make a
mistake Gomi will knock him out. If I am Nate I want to try to take this to the ground where he would
have a much larger advantage, but sadly, that is not the Diaz way.

Prediction: Diaz wins via, unanimous decision.

Matt Hughes vs. Josh  Koscheck

Now this fight may not be the forgone conclusion that everyone assumes it will be. Remember, in the
past couple pay-per-views the massive underdogs, who are too old to win, have won. Those fights were
Tito Ortiz over Ryan Bader and Antonio Nogueira over Brendan Schuab. But Tito also got destroyed
by Rashad Evans, so the old guy upset hasn’t worked every time. Koscheck is too fast and strong
for Hughes to be able to take him down, and “Kos” is on another level in the striking department.
Prediction: Koscheck via, 1st round KO.

UFC Light-Heavyweight Title Bout: Jonny “Bones” Jones vs. Quinton “Rampage” Jackson

In my opinion for Jackson to have any sort of chance to win this fight he needs to go in and push the
pace of the fight by continuously throwing punches at Jones. Jackson cannot sit back and let Jones
pick him apart like Shogun allowed Jones to do. Jones in my opinion could be the UFC Heavyweight
champion if he wanted to move up to Heavyweight. Jackson has never faced anyone with the reach like
Jones, but Jones has never faced someone with the power Jackson has. I think we will see how good
Rampage’s ground game is because I believe Jon Jones will test this out.

Prediction: Jon Jones via, submission (Guillotine Choke)



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