Food Pyramid Out, Food Plate In

by Meg Little

Out with the old and in with the new…eating habits that is. The USDA has introduced a new food group symbol, MyPlate.

Since the reveal of MyPlate on June 2nd, the topic has created much discussion in the diet and nutrition world. But Jerry Huddleston, Human Resource manager at Ozark Natural Foods says Arkansas has been ahead of the game when it comes to healthy eating.

Huddleston stated,”The Arkansas Department of Human Services has been using a very similar method of the plate, divided into four quadrants for a few years and it’s really helpful. A lot of people relate to it a lot more.”

Huddleston explained, “The MyPlate tells us when we sit down for a square meal, breakfast, lunch or dinner, we look at that plate and half of that ought to be fruits and vegetables and half of those fruits and vegetables ought to be green and raw. And then the other half of the plate, a quarter needs to be your carbohydrate and the last quarter of it needs to be your protein.”

The MyPlate program is simple to learn and some say it will be easier to follow than old food pyramid which was created in 1992.

Huddleston said,”I think the plate is going to work a lot better for people because when is the last time you sat down and ate off of a food pyramid?”

Learn all about using the plate at