Saturday Night Picture Showcase Presents: War of the Monsters

Tune into tonight to UATV’s Saturday Night Picture Showcase to see War of the Monsters.  This Japanese giant monster film was first released in Japan in 1966 as Gamera Vs. Barugon.  In 1967 it was released in the U.S. as War of the Monsters.

In the film, treasure hunters bring what they believe to be a giant opal back civilization.  They then discover it’s actually an egg.  It hatches to reveal Barugon, a giant lizard with insta-freeze breath.  When Barugon starts to wreck havoc on Tokyo, Gamera, a giant  jet-propelled turtle returns to earth from outer space to save Tokyo.

You won’t want to miss this epic sci-fi battle tonight at 7:00 and 10:00 on UATV.