ASG Debate; Safe Ride

On Campus

The ASG candidates square off in a televised debate.

Safe Ride brings students home.

The Garland Parking Garage will be finished by the fall.

Walmart restructuring could have an impact on Northwest Arkansas.

The new health care bill changes the way calories are counted at local restaurants.

Local organic gardens provide an alternative food source in Fayetteville.

In Northwest Arkansas

A woman is arrested for stealing screws.

A man falls forty feet and lives.

Road work continues on I-540.

Cory Wolf is still at large.

Around the World

President Obama opens up new areas for drilling.

Drug prohibition violence heats up along the U.S. – Mexican border.

A fatal shooting occurs in the nation’s capital.

More on the aftermath of the terrorist attack in Russia.

Sports Beat

The Diamond Hogs took the field tonight.

Spring football began.

Could the NCAA Tournament expand to hold even more teams?

A farewell to Texas Stadium.

All this and more tonight on UATV News at 9 p.m.  Watch online at or on channel 14.

Information from Tonight’s Show:

Students who need a safe ride home can use the ASG Safe Ride program by calling 479-575-SAFE  (479-575-6233)