Liveblogging ASG Senate – March 30

6:58 – Televised debate tomorrow night at 7:00 pm on UATV 14 and online at

6:57 – The City of Fayetteville invited representatives from the UA Parking and Transit Department to talk about Dickson Street parking, but no one from ASG, says Tony Cosgrove.

6:51 – Sen. Norton has met with the bookstore and found information on a possible textbook rental program to save students money.

Sounds promising.

6:50 – The Resolution was referred to the Press Relations Committee.

6:45 – Sen. McCollum introduces Resolution 22 – ‘Support of Increased Testing Supplies Accessibility.’

The bookstore is moving to the new parking garage, and since this location is much more inconvenient than the Union, so it will be more difficult for students to buy testing supplies. This resolution asks for more vending machines in the Union and for a well-stocked supply of scantrons and blue books in places like Club Red.

6:44 – Bill 10 is passed by unanimous consent.

6:43 – The Code & Constitution Committee unanimously recommended that the Senate pass the bill.

Personally, I don’t see the point, since it’s supposed to be the President’s job to advocate for whatever the Senate passes. But division of power has never been well defined in ASG.

6:40Discussion begins on Bill 10 – ‘The ASG Senate Empowerment Act of 2010.’ It would have the Chair of the Senate meet with administrators in much the same way the ASG President does.

6:39 – Former Sen. Will Watson offers a public comment asking people to fill out the census.

I got my form weeks ago and forgot to fill it out. Is it illegal to lie on the form? I’d like to pretend I have 20 poor children living with me so we get some education funding.

6:38 – Sen. Martin is nominated for Chair of the Senate. She joins Sen. Johannesen as the only nominees. Voting will be held either next week or the week after.

6:35 – We won’t find out the winner tonight. Kind of sad how this is more suspenseful than the Presidential election.

6:30 – Nominations for Outstanding Senator:
Senators McCollum, Johannessen, Ho, Spencer, Martin, and Brahmbhatt.

6:27 – Sen. McCollum is elected to the Appropriations Committee.

6:22 – “I’ve been trying for five or six times now to get on the Appropriations Committee,” says Sen. Spencer, “and every time you choose someone else, someone disappears.”

6:22 – “The funding rounds are this weekend and I’ve got a pretty open schedule,” says Sen. McCollum. He says he’s willing to do the work and has a good rapport with the committee.

6:21 – Sen. McCollum and Sen. Spencer are nominated for the open seat on the Appropriations Committee.

6:09 – Treasurer Brophey says the final funding round of the year is this weekend. $160,000 has been requested by RSOs, and the ASG has $116,000 to allocate.

6:07 – ASG event at the baseball game at 6:30 on Friday.   Free water bottles!

6:06 – Jessica Morgan, CLCE Advisor, thanks Veronica Johannesen and I for moderating the debate last night.

6:00 – Tonight’s agenda includes a possible vote on a resolution that would create a textbook rental program.