
Tonight’s TV Time Machine

Whether you’re finding past loves at the Grand Hotel,  rescuing Lois Lane, hooking up Dad & Mom or just hanging out in 2046, there are lots of reasons for film characters to travel through time.  Aaron and Adam look at just a few, to complement their review of Hot Tub Time Machine.

Also on tonight’s agenda, learn what the pair thought of Spring Break releases like Chole, How to Train Your Dragon and Repo Men.  Cannes darling The White Ribbon finally came to Fayetteville, and Adam tells you what he thinks of the pre-World War II drama.

And, enter our Twitter contest!  Send a tweet @uatvonline with the name of the movie you think will come out as #1 at the box office this weekend.  If you’re right, you’ll be entered in a drawing to win 2 tickets to a local movie theater.

Be sure to tune into Razorback Reels tonight at 8 pm on UATV 14 or online at uatvonline.net