ASG Candidates Silenced By Law

On Campus

ASG candidates are banned from speaking to the public or the media about the elections.

Fayetteville gets ready for St. Patrick’s Day festivities.

An earthquake could affect Northwest Arkansas.

Do you really get straight A’s if your roommate commits suicide?

In Northwest Arkansas

A Plumerville woman pleads guilty after her children die in a drunk driving accident.

A man was been charged in the shooting death of a Salvation Army worker.

A local book drive seeks to benefit Arkansans in need.

Muddy water is washing into the Mulberry River.

Around the World

Five Americans are charged with plotting terrorism in Pakistan.

Netanyahu tries to soothe U.S.-Israeli relations.

Calderon calls for the U.S. to share responsibility in the drug war.

The Primate of All Ireland apologizes for his role in mishandling a serial child abuse case.

Sports Beat

UA Pine Bluff advances to the field of 64 in the NCAA Tournament.

UAPB is among the schools being targeted by the U.S. Secretary of Education for its low graduation rate.

The UA Swim Team gets ready for its final meet.

The UA Baseball Team prepares for SEC play.

Alana Nichols becomes the first American woman to win gold medals in both the Summer and Winter Paralympics.

All this and more tonight on UATV News at 9 p.m.  Watch online at or on channel 14.

Information from Tonight’s Show:

Pub crawl information can be found at

Students who need a safe ride home can use the ASG Safe Ride program by calling 479-575-SAFE  (479-575-6233)