No Fall Break 2010; Possible Evening Parking Charges

The will be no Fall Break this year, thanks to actions taken by the Faculty Senate.  The University Calendar Committee approved two additional days off before Thanksgiving in the Fall 2010 semester.  However, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee did not approve the move, because its members were unsure whether the days should be in October or November.

ASG President Mattie Bookhout sent a poll to 600 students last night, and she says the results show that opinion is evenly divided between an October and November break.

Bookhout says the Faculty Senate had the opportunity to discuss the date issue with students earlier, but did not do so.  As a result, the earliest Arkansas can see a Fall Break is 2011.

The ASG Senate passed a resolution last night in support of a Fall Break, and the RIC will vote on a similar piece of legislation at its next meeting.

Arkansas is one of only three SEC schools without a Fall Break.  The other two are Kentucky and Florida.  According to Bookhout, Kentucky is in the process of getting one, and Florida does not have one because they usually get days off school because of hurricanes at that time anyway.

Also, most spots on campus are free in the evening, but the university may start requiring a day pass or a new night pass to park in them.

Parking issues dominated this morning’s ASG Town Hall meeting, where ASG President Mattie Bookhout told students the UA Transit and Parking Department is looking to change the way permits are distributed.

ASG Transit and Parking Director Chase Phillips says the permits currently bring in only half of the money required to maintain each individual parking spot.

The ASG is assembling a panel to discuss parking issues and make recommendations to the department.

To tell ASG what you think, you can e-mail President Mattie Bookhout at and TPD Chair Chase Phillips at

Find out more about these and other breaking stories tonight at 9:00 pm on UATV News.

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