Liveblogging ASG Senate – Jan. 26

6:27 – Senators Ho, Johannesen, Spencer, Norton and LaRocca are elected as student representatives to Campus Council.

6:21 – Senator Veronica Johannesen has been elected the new Chair of the Code and Constitution Committee.

6:18 – The bike racks will be on campus on February 1st, but will not be installed until later.

6:18 – 17 courses will participate in the Paperless Pilot Program, says Senator Evans of the Sustainability Committee.

6:13 – Vacancy elections will take place next week.  Fulbright and Walton will have contested elections.

There will still be 8 vacancies after the election.  Chair of Senate Tammy Lippert says the senate will hold another vacancy election later in the semester.

6:11 – Campus Council meeting will be held in late April.

6:10Hogs for Haiti has been officially founded.  The Facebook group can be found at

6:09 – The State of the Students address will take place next week on Tuesday.

6:08 – President Mattie Bookhout says the SEC exchange was “incredibly productive.”

6:00 pm – Nominations for Campus Council on the agenda tonight. 2 student seats are available.