Conan Leaving NBC

Well it’s finally official.  Conan O’Brien is leaving NBC.  Leave it up to Leno to ‘chin’ Conan out of the way.  According to a statement issued by NBC the suits at NBC will give Conan $32 million.  Shall we say finally?  It took long enough for NBC to figure out what they wanted to do- Conan knew all along.  For the past two weeks Conan has been ripping Leno and NBC [which I might add increased his ratings my over 150 percent] without punishment. 

I March The Chin will be taking his old slot back which is really what he wanted all along.  So in less than a year Leno left The Tonight Show and gave it to Conan- then in less that 9 months took the show back — burning bridges along the way.

The deal releases him from a two-and-a-half-year contract and allows the departing host to pursue other television opportunities as of September. A FOX executive said O’Brien would “be a great fit,” at the network, according to a January 10 New York Times report.

Make sure you tune in to the Not So Late Show Tuesday to hear everyone’s thoughts about the change.  You have to have something to watch after Friday [AKA Conan’s last show].  So tune in and we will [prolly not] bring you the same quality that The Tonight Show brings you every day!

Andrew Halliburton

The Not So Late Show Producer