
Track Santa As He Makes His Way To Your Home

Kris Kringle, or as others may know him: Santa Claus, is making his way across the Globe. (He just left Burma) Now our equipment at UATV isn’t up to par to track the Jolly Ole Saint Nick. That is why we recommend you check out this Website. The guys at NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) have a little more experience in the field. They have been tracking Santa’s flight from the North Pole for over 50 years. You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter.

So while you are not watching UATV on Cox or online at UATVonline.net. Try to keep an eye out for Santa Claus. The word on the street is that Santa might bring snow to our viewing audience in NorthWest Arkansas. So stay warm and safe. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas from all of us at UATV.