The Not So Late Show Brings You Christmas

It wouldn’t be Christmas time if the Not So Late Show didn’t bring you our Christmas special!  Be prepared for all the usual thrills and laughs and also the joy of Christmas.  A special show tonight!  You can watch us for a whole hour- that’s right NSLS for a WHOLE HOUR!  What else do you have to do besides watch the show from 8-9 anyway!  You may even be treated to a special caroling segment and you-know-who may even make a surprise visit [is it really a suprise now that I told you he might show up?  You’ll just have to watch to find out!]  What is Weaver going to try this week…we may never know.  We will be full of special guests [and some not special].  So tune the set to UATV 14 [or to watch online] and be prepared to have a good time!


Andrew Halliburton
