Campus Fraternity Closes Its Doors and What Besides People Has Been Living In Maple Hill

Coming up on this semester’s final night of UATV News….It’s the 68th anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor and find out why one cuddly Christmas present may not be the most practical gift.  Arkansas Senator Blanche Lincoln will have her hands full in the 2010 U.S. Senate  race, find out who all is throwing their hat in the ring.  World leaders gathered in Copenhagen for a climate summit and another market bomb rocked a large city in Pakistan today.  In sports find out where SEC teams are going bowling.  All that and more tonight on UATV News.

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Commuter Meal Plans:
University of Arkansas students can sign up now for a Spring 2010 Commuter Meal Plan provided by Chartwells Dining Services. Several plans, offering “all-you-care-to-eat” options in campus dining facilities, flex dollars, and “Late-Night at the Arkansas Union,” are available to students who will live off-campus this spring. Charges will be billed to the student’s spring account.

Contracts are available in the Campus Card Office, Arkansas Union 4th Floor, Off Campus Connections, Arkansas Union 632, or in University Housing, HOTZ Hall 9th Floor. Students signing a contract will get a free sports bottle. Quantities are limited.

Off Campus Connections encourages commuters and adult learners to select a Commuter Meal Plan. The Commuter Meal Plan promotes healthier eating habits leading to better academic performance, while also saving the student time, money, and parking frustrations.

For further information on the Commuter Meal Plan, contact Off Campus Connections at 575-7351.

SaVannah Reading

News Director